Crystal Quartz Pendulum

Crystal Quartz Pendulum

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This beautiful crystal quartz pendulum will help you access Divine guidance in your life and check your chakras to confirm which ones are activated or de-activated. The pendulum is a diving tool that is used to communicate with Spirit via your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides. As with any form of divination, using a pendulum involves a certain degree of faith, belief and a decidedly open mind to receiving answers from your Spiritual Guides. Buy the Pendulum Board as well and use the two to seek Divine guidance in your daily life.

Pendulum dowsing can be used in a variety of different ways. In its most simple form, you can use it to answer questions or aid in decision making. Pendulums can also be used for: healing purposes and identifying allergies, cleansing and dispelling negativity in a room, finding lost objects or pets, finding water or ley lines (dowsing rods are often used for this too, which work in a similar way to a pendulum).